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 Maj 13/10/08
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The Real Mc Coy
Surfeur (niv 4)
Surfeur (niv 4)
The Real Mc Coy

Masculin Poissons Nombre de messages 485
Age 52
Localisation France

Maj 13/10/08 Empty
MessageSujet: Maj 13/10/08   Maj 13/10/08 EmptyMar 14 Oct 2008 - 17:05

Citation :

  • India - New medium resolution Spot Image
    background imagery for a big portion of India. Thanks to GEB reader
    Alok Patel for being the first to report new imagery.
  • US - Looks like a big portion of North Carolina has new unattributed aerial imagery - or at least it is color processed differently. Big area around Salt Lake City, Utah has new imagery from the State of Utah. Fairfax County Virginia - thanks to GEB reader Ben. Spotsylvania County, Virginia - new high res. Areas of Beaumont, TX. Thanks to Munden.
  • Mexico - An area in northern Mexico has new medium resolution Spot Image imagery - adding to the Spot imagery in a recent update for Mexico. A bunch of the islands around Baja have also been added with better resolution from Spot Image.
  • Romania - Looks like the country of Romania has new medium resolution Spot imagery as well.
  • Spain - Menorca, Mallorca - Thanks to GEB reader Rene73
  • Czech Republic
    - the entire country has new high resolution imagery from a provider
    called GEODIS Brno. Very nice! Thanks to GEB reader Rene73
  • More Eastern European Countries - New medium resolution Spot Image imagery in the northern part of Albania, most parts of Montenegro, Kosova, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. Thanks to GEB reader Edi.
  • Italy - Capri, Elba, Firenze, Urbino, Verona - Thanks to GEB reader Ezra.
  • Australia - Big region in the northeast now has medium resolution Spot Image imagery. Thanks to GEB reader 'toler'. Ayer's Rock has new high res imagery.
  • Norway - Trondheim. Thanks to GEB reader Esme Cowles.
  • Canary Islands
    - Futureventura, Tenerife - The SS American Star wreck has has almost
    disappeared beneath the water now. The imagery date for the Canaries
    says 2008! Thanks to James at GoogleSightseeing.com for this find. See his post for more details and a link to the ship location.
  • South Africa - Areas around Johannesburg
  • Guinea Bissau - New highres patch near Bafata. Thanks to Snakeye.
  • UK - Lundy Island high res now. Thanks to Munden. Also, Aberdeen, Hampshire, North Lincolnshire, part of Derbyshire. Thanks to James.
  • Portugal - New high resolution strip of imagery near Nazaré. Thanks to Snakeye.
Source : http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2008/10/new_google_earth_imagery_13october2.html
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Globe-Surfeur "Or" (niv 6)

Masculin Cancer Nombre de messages 22125
Age 54
Localisation Savoie
Humeur Voyageuse

Maj 13/10/08 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maj 13/10/08   Maj 13/10/08 EmptyMar 14 Oct 2008 - 21:33

Merci pour l'info Mac Coy ! Maj 13/10/08 Bon
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Maj 13/10/08
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